Death of a President
(Great Britain/USA, 2006, 96 minutes)
Filmfour presents a Borough Films production in association with World Productions; developed with the assistance of Blast Films. Starring Hend Ayoub, Becky Ann Baker, Brian Boland, Michael Reilly Burke, Patricia Buckley, Seena Jon, Robert Mangiardi, M. Neko Parham, Jay Patterson, Chavez Ravine, Christian Stolte, James Urbaniak, Jay Whittaker. Directed by Gabriel Range; produced by Gabriel Range, Simon Finch, Ed Guiney, Robin Gutch; written by Gabriel Range with Simon Finch; music by Richard Harvey; director of photography (Astro), Graham Smith; production designer, Gary Baugh; costume supervisor, Eileen McCaskill; film editor, Brand Thumim.