Canada/USA/Great Britain
90 minutes

A Chinese rural couple takes up hard-working jobs in the city to make sure they earn enough to give their children a better future, but they only travel back home once a year for the Chinese New Year, and the oldest daughter, now a teenager, resents their absence. Engrossing documentary that expertly juxtaposes a personal family story to a greater socioeconomic question without ever losing track of either.

Téléfilm Canada and the Rogers Fund present, with the participation of SODEC, an Eyesteelfilm production; in association with ITVS International; produced and developed in association with Superchannel; produced in association with Channel 4, TV5 Québec Canada; with the financial support of Canada Council for the Arts; with the support of Sundance Documentary Fund, Jan Vrijman Fund; with the support of Yuan Fang Media; with the assistance of Canwest-Hotdocs Completion Fund. (World sales, Eyesteelfilm/Kinosmith.)
Directed by Lixin Fan; produced by Mila Aung-Thwin, Daniel Cross; music by Olivier Alary; director of photography (colour), Mr. Fan; camera, Shaoguang Sun, Mr. Fan; film editors, Mr. Fan, Mary Stephen.
Screened: DocLisboa 2010 advance DVD screener, Lisbon, October 13th 2010.


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