Opera Jawa

(Indonesia/Austria, 2006, 120 minutes)

In modern-day rural Indonesia, a retired dancer, her husband and the village thug find themselves unwittingly reenacting an age-old legend of love and jealousy. Visually striking but ultimately staid all-singing, all-dancing stylized pageant that brings together the worlds of traditional Indonesian theatre, music and dance, contemporary art and Western opera, to such an extent that story and narrative take an abstract backseat to the visuals.

A SET Film Workshop production, in co-production with New Crowned Hope Festival Vienna 2006; produced with the financial support of Göteborg Film Festival Fund and Hubert Bals Fund of the International Film Festival Rotterdam. Starring Martinus Mirato, Artika Sari Devi, Eko Supriyanto, Jecko Siompo Pui; with Retno Maruti, I Nyoman Sura, Slamet Gundono. Directed and produced by Garin Nugroho; co-directors, Arturo GP, Arswendi; written by Garin Nugroho and Armantono; music by Rahayu Supanggah; director of photography (Siam Film Development), Teoh Gay Hian; creative designers, Armantono, Arturo GP, Asep Kusdinar, Eko Supriyanto, Garin Nugroho, Martinus Miroto, Suwarsidi Trisapto; art director, Nanang Rakhmat H; art installations by Agus Suwage, Entang Waharso, Hendro Suseno, Nindityo Adipurnomo, Sunaryo, S. Teddy D., Tita Rubi; costume designer, Samuel Watimena; film editor, Andhy Pulung; choreographers, Martinus Miroto, Eko Supriyanto, Ni Kadek, Rini Endah.


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