
(France/Portugal/Great Britain, 2005, 102 minutes)

In the near future, a genetic scientist synthesizes a compound that turns man’s primal violent urges on and off at will, and tries it on himself. Inept futuristic thriller that wastes a good premise and production values in poor scripting and inadequate acting, hoping the stylish visuals will somehow make up for it. They don’t.

Studio Légende presents a Studio Légende/Animatógrafo II/Animal Productions/TF1 Films Production/Légende production with the participation of Canal Plus. Starring Andreas Wilson, Emma Griffiths Malin, Diogo Infante, Ed Stoppard, Mark Heap, Abdul Salis; and John Standing. Directed and written by Roselyne Bosch; produced by Ilan Goldman; music by Christian Henson; director of photography, Tetsuo Nagata; production designers, Jacques Rouxel and Clara Vinhais; costume designer, Chattounne; film editor, Maryline Monthieux.


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